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江支弘 Chih-Hung Chiang, Chaoyang University of Technology

Professor Chih-Hung Chiang received his PhD from University of Colorado Boulder in 1994. His research arears include ultrasonics, infrared thermography, and vibration analysis. He is also affiliated with the Center for NDT of CYUT, where he is conducting research on nondestructive testing and evaluation of fiber reinforced polymer composites, AI-assisted vibration analysis, and dynamic monitoring of wind turbines.
Research project 2019~2024: Nondestructive inspection of composite materials using heat analysis and infrared thermography複合材料非破壞檢測之熱學分析與紅外線熱影像法驗證 (108年度 110~112年度科技部專題計畫)

Research project 2019~2024: Nondestructive inspection of composite materials using heat analysis and infrared thermography複合材料非破壞檢測之熱學分析與紅外線熱影像法驗證 (108年度 110~112年度科技部專題計畫)

朝陽科技大學航空學院 Dean, College of Aviation, Chaoyang University of Technology
亞太非破壞檢測聯盟理事 Board member, Asia Pacific Federation for Non Destructive Testing
NDTE期刊編輯Subject Editor, NDT&E International – an Elsevier Journal
台灣非破壞檢測協會學術委員、授證管理委員會委員The Society for Nondestructive Testing & Certification of Taiwan (SNTCT)


Selected Publications
J1. Huang, Y., Chen, C.-L., Chiang, C.-H. (2023) Analyzing a series of thermal infrared images to identify defects using a hybrid approach that combines robust principal component analysis and image segmentation. NDT and E International, 137, art. no. 102818, (DOI: 10.1016/j.ndteint.2023.102818) (SCI)(Scopus)
J2. Hidayat, M., Chiang, C.-H.*, Yen, M. (2023) Determination of the defect’s size of multi-layer woven CFRP based on its temperature profile. International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering 20:3 (Scopus) (https://doi.org/10.6703/IJASE.202309_20(3).003)
J3. Prasad, S., Chiang, C.-H., Kumar, D., Kalra, S., Khandelwal, A. (2023) Robust and efficient feature-based method for structural health monitoring of large structures. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, (DOI: 10.1007/s13349-023-00686-5)
J4. Kumar, D., Chiang, C.-H.*, Lin, Y.-C. (2022) Experimental vibration analysis of large structures using 3D DIC technique with a novel calibration method. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring 12(2) 391-409. (SCI) (Scopus) (https://doi.org/10.1007/s13349-022-00549-5)
J5. Lee, M.-G., Lo, S.-L., Kan, Y.-C., Chiang, C.-H. (2022) Water quenched slag from incinerator ash used as artificial stone. Case Studies in Construction Materials 16 e00827 (DOI: 10.1016/j.cscm.2021.e00827)
J6. Chih-Hung Chiang*, Hung-Yu Tao, Yung-Chiang Lin (2021) Transient thermal analysis of layered media based on thermal quadrupoles. International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering 18:3 (Scopus) (DOI: 10.6703/IJASE.202106_18(3).001)
J7. Lin, Y-C., Chiang, C-H., Yu, C-P., Kumar, D., Hsu, K-T. (2021) Application of DIC method to modal vibration study for structure health monitoring of WT tower. International Journal of 江支弘 Chih-Hung Chiang, Chaoyang University of Technology Applied Science and Engineering 18:3 (Scopus) (DOI: 10.6703/IJASE.202106_18(3).003)
J8. Yung-Chiang Lin, Chih-Hung Chiang*, Chih-Peng Yu, Keng-Tsang Hsu (2020) Deterministic deterioration modeling of wind turbines toward the failure identification – a modal curvature approach, Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, 5:2, 104-112, (DOI:10.1080/24705314.2020.1729518)(Scopus)
J9. Huang, Y., Shih, P., Hsu, K.-T., Chiang, C.-H. (2020) To identify the defects illustrated on building facades by employing infrared thermography under shadow, NDT & E International, 111 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ndteint.2020.102240) (SCI)(Scopus)
J10. Chih-Hung Chiang*, Keng-Tsang Hsu, Chih-Peng Yu, Chia-Chi Cheng, Jie-Zhen Pan (2018)“Remote measurements and vibration analyses of existing wind turbines,” Journal of Testing and Evaluation vol.47 no.3 pp.2193-2206 (DOI: 10.1520/JTE20180025) (SCI)(Scopus)
J11. Lee, M.-J., Lee, M.-G., Chiang, C.-H., Liang, Y.-H. (2012) “Durability of strengthening wooden members using CFRP sheets”, Advanced Materials Research vol. 374-377, pp. 1589-1592. (EI)
J12. Cheng, C.-C., Cheng, T.-M., Chiang, C.-H.* (2008) “Defect detection of concrete structures using both infrared thermography and elastic waves”, Automation in Construction vol. 18 pp.87-92.(SCI) (EI)
J13. Tsai C-L. and Chiang C-H. (2002) “Pneumatic strains in woven glass/epoxy composite laminate induced by fluctuating air pressure”, Composites Science and Technology vol. 62 pp.451-456.(SCI) (EI)
J14. Chiang C-H., Tsai C-L., and Kan Y-C. (2000) “Acoustic inspection of bond strength of steel-reinforced mortar after exposure to elevated temperatures”, Ultrasonics vol. 38 pp. 534-536. (SCI) (EI) (Refereed and accepted to publish in the Proceedings of Ultrasonics International 1999
joint with 1999 World Congress on Ultrasonics)
J15. Tsai C-L. and Chiang C-H. (2000) “Characterization of hygric behavior of single fiber”, Composites Science and Technology vol. 60 pp.2725-2729. (SCI) (EI)
J16. Bond L.J., Chiang C.H. and Fortunko C.M. (1992) “Absorption of ultrasonic waves in air at high frequencies (10-20MHz)”, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. vol. 92 pp. 2006-2015. (SCI)
J17. Chiang, C.-H., Cheng, C.-C., and Hsu, K.-T. “Inspection of deteriorated coastal embankments using radar, thermography and impact-echo”, Nondestructive Testing of Materials and Structures.RILEM Book series vol. 6, pp.927-933. edited by Oral Büyüköztürk. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands (2013)
J18. 江支弘『紅外線法』收錄於橋梁檢測方法與應用,頁4-96 至4-101,中國土木水利工程學會非破壞檢測委員會編著,台北市,2010 年
J19.江支弘『熱感應』收錄於橋梁檢測基本理論,頁10-31 至10-41,中國土木水利工程學會非破壞檢測委員會編著,台北市,2013 年
C1. Chiang, C.-H., Jahan, K., Hidayat, M., Kumar, D., Cheng, C.-C. (2023) “Evaluation of mechanical properties and damage sensing performance of functionalized carbon nanotube modified epoxy-carbon fiber”, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering,
12487, art. no.124870H (DOI: 10.1117/12.2660954)
C2. Huang, Y., Yang, Q.-Y., Chiang, C.-H. (2023) “Applying the Modified Adaptive Window Sizes 江支弘 Chih-Hung Chiang, Chaoyang University of Technology into the Image Segmentation to Identify Defects from Thermal Infrared Images Covered with Intensity Inhomogeneity”, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 12486, art. no.124861P (DOI: 10.1117/12.2657617)
C3. Kumar, D., Chiang, C.-H., Prasad, S. (2022) “Integrating robust feature detection methodology with in-house DIC for identification and correlation of natural patterns on large structures”, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 12047, art. no. 120470C (DOI:10.1117/12.2612758)
C4. Prasad, S., Kumar, D., Kalra, S., Chiang, C.-H., Khandelwal, A. (2022) “Automated and Lightweight Feature Detection and Matching towards Real-time SHM of Large Structures”,Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 12048, art. no. 1204810 (DOI: 10.1117/12.2612799)
C5. Huang, Y., Yang, Q.-Y., Hsu, K.-T., Chiang, C.-H.* (2022) “Identifying Defects under Shadows from a Series of Thermal Images by Employing Robust Principal Component Analysis and Local Binary Function”, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 12047, art. no. 120470Y (DOI: 10.1117/12.2613152)
C6. Chiang, C.-H., Hidayat, M., Kumar, D. (2022) “Simulated thermal image based on finite element models for a layered composite structures”, Materials Today: Proceedings (DOI:10.1016/j.matpr.2022.02.539)
C7. Chiang, C.-H., Hidayat, M., Liao, K.-C. (2022) “Performance Proofing of A 3D Printed Specimen Rig Through Actual Testing in The Laboratory”, AASRC2022 Conference 航太學會學術研討會。
C8. 江支弘、陶宏育、林永強(2022) ”關於週期荷載與疊層結構之熱學分析的可能應用” 第21屆非破壞檢測技術研討會暨財團法人台灣非破壞檢測協會年會2022 CNDT,日月潭,2022年10 月27-28 日。
C9. Chiang, C.-H. and Hidayat, M. (2022) “Finite Element-Based 3D Modelling to Simulate Defect in Layered Composite Materials for TNDT” 第21 屆非破壞檢測技術研討會暨財團法人台灣非破壞檢測協會年會2022 CNDT,日月潭,2022 年10 月27-28 日。
C10. 曾靖皓、江支弘、鄭家齊、林永强、鄭柏鈞 (2021) “數位影像相關方法應用於短跨度橋梁振動分析”,台灣混凝土學會2021 年混凝土工程研討會,高雄, 110 年11 月18-19 日。
C11. 鄭柏鈞、江支弘、林永强 (2021) “風機自然頻率與螺栓應力狀態之關聯分析”,第26 屆電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會,中央大學,桃園, 110 年8 月30-31 日。
C12. Chih-Hung Chiang*, Muhamad Hidayat, Hung-Yu Tao (2021) “Simulated surface temperature distribution of layered structures for TNDT”, AASRC2021 航太學會學術研討會論文集。(MOST110-2211-E-324-006)
C13. Chan, C. C-K., Kumar, D., Chiang, C-H. (2021) “Coarse and fine localized CNN classifier for intelligent DIC preprocessing in large structure health monitoring sample”, Proceedings of SPIE -The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11592, art. no. 115920L (DOI:
C14. Kumar, D., Chiang, C-H.*, Lin, Y-C. (2021) “Identification and correlation of natural patterns using a hybrid BRISK-DIC method”, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11592, art. no. 115920K (DOI: 10.1117/12.2584776)
C15. Chih-Hung Chiang*, Hung-Yu Tao, Jean-Shyan Wang (2020) “Progressive Damage to CFRP Specimens Due to Tensile Loading –Thermal Modeling and Experimental Analysis”,中國機械工程學會第三十七屆全國學術研討會。國立虎尾科技大學,2020 年11 月20-21 日。
C16. 江支弘*、陶宏育、王正賢、林永強 (2020) “複合材料中缺陷造成之暫態熱影像分析”,第20屆非破壞檢測技術研討會暨財團法人台灣非破壞檢測協會年會2020 CNDT. 高雄,2020 年10月22-23 日。
C17. Huang, Y., Yang, Q.-Y., Hsu, K.-T., Chiang, C.-H. (2020) “Building cracks identification by employing image segmentation”, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11381, art. no. 113811Y (DOI: 10.1117/12.2558335)(Scopus)
C18. Kumar, D., Chiang, C.-H., Lin, Y.-C., Hsu, K.-T. (2020) “3D vibration studies of large structures using DIC”, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11381, art. no.1138124 (DOI: 10.1117/12.2557007)(Scopus)
C19. Lau, E.M., Kumar, D., Chiang, C.-H., Zhang, J.-D., Huang, W.-X., Khare, V. (2020) “Pressure distribution of a deformable composite flapping wing”, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11379, art. no. 113790M (DOI: 10.1117/12.2558461)(Scopus)
C20. Lin, Y.-C., Cheng, C.-C., Chiang, C.-H., Hsu, K.-T. (2019) “Quantitative assessment of interfacial condition of cold joint using surface wave group velocity profile”,IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 615 (1) (DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/615/1/012010) (Scopus)
C21. Hsu, K.-T., Cheng, C.-C., Chiang, C.-H., Ke, Y.-T., Cheng, J.-S. (2019) “Long-term monitoring of spillway using various NDT techniques-case studies”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 615 (1)( DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/615/1/012035) (Scopus)
C22. Huang, Y., Chiang, C.-H., Hsu, K.-T. (2019)”Evaluating the shadow or glare effects in thermography for non-destructive testing and evaluation”, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10971, art. no. 1097113 (DOI: 10.1117/12.2514175) (Scopus)
C23. Yishuo Huang, Chih-Hung Chiang, Keng-Tsang Hsu (2018) “Combining the 3D model generated from point clouds and thermography to identify the defects presented on the facades of a building,”Proc. SPIE.10599, 105990G (Scopus) DOI: 10.1117/12.2297656
TR1. 江支弘 (2022) 複合材料非破壞檢測之熱學分析與紅外線熱影像法驗證(II),科技部專題研究報告。
TR2. 江支弘 (2020) 複合材料非破壞檢測之熱學分析與紅外線熱影像法驗證,科技部專題研究報告。
TR3. 江支弘、鄭家齊、余志鵬、黃怡碩、鄭文昌、張家濟、賴俊仁、徐松圻 (2017) 結合 NDT的自動化檢測技術在土木結構健康診斷之應用,科技部專題研究報告。
TR4. 江支弘 (2013) 熱影像法非破壞檢測量化分析技術之研究,國科會專題研究報告。
TR5. 江支弘、蕭文達 (2012) 滲透結晶型防水材料力學性能的測試與評估,國科會產學合作計畫報告。
TR6. 江支弘 (2011) 結構材料性質老劣化之非破壞快速檢測技術開發-子計畫三:紅外線熱影像與光學影像法於大型結構檢測之應用(II),國科會專題研究報告。
TR7. 江支弘 (2010) 結構材料性質老劣化之非破壞快速檢測技術開發-子計畫三:紅外線熱影像與光學影像法於大型結構檢測之應用(I) ,國科會專題研究報告。

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