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Reason for establishment

The arospace industry has ties with many technological advances. It is strategically stands at the forefront of a nation’s development. In particular, aircraft repair, mechanical process and composite fabrication all have growing demands for new talents. In the year 2017, the aerospace sector led by Eva Airways and six other corporations had the demand of 580 personnel. Eva also extends its in-house MRO services internationally. China Airlines, in collaboration with Airbus and AIDC together established new hangars to provide services for Airbuses in the Asia Pacific. In addition, according to Boeing, the world will need 679,000 aircraft maintenance professionals, where the Asia Pacific require 268,000 of the figure.

The expansion of the aviation industry, together with the advancement of technologies and the increasing gap of filling the areas of expertise, there is a great need to cultivate new talents. In doing its part, Chaoyang has establish the Department of Aeronautical Engineering to contribute to the industry in nurturing future professionals.
