





  1. 逢甲大學工業工程研究所博士
  2. 逢甲大學航太工程研究所碩士


  1. Aeronautical Engineering
  2. Fuzzy Theory
  3. Neural Computing
  4. Cloud Manufacturing and Services


  1. 飛機維修廠 (飛機維修員、飛機品管檢驗、飛機試飛檢驗,1989/03~2015/01)
  2. 國立勤益科技大學兼任助理教授 (201509~201601)
  3. 中華科技大學航空機械系專任助理教授 (2015/02~201807)
  4. 中華科技大學147維修訓練中心教師 (2016/07~201807)
  5. 朝陽科技大學航空學院籌備處秘書(2018/08~202101)
  6. 朝陽科技大學航空機械系副主任(2021/02~202107)
  7. 朝陽科技大學航空機械系專任副教授(2021/08~迄今)
  8. 朝陽科技大學航空機械系主任(2021/08~迄今)








  1. 中華民國民航局(CAA) B1.1飛機維修檢定證書
  2. 勞動部飛機維修乙級證照
  3. 勞動部飛機維修丙級證照
  4. 遙控無人機普通操作證
  5. SolidWorks 3D繪圖國際證照(CSWACSWP)
  6. 非破壞(NDI) 超音波檢測證書
  7. 非破壞(NDI) 磁力檢測證書
  8. 飛機複合材料修補技術證書


  • 期刊編輯
  1. Guest Editor, Special Issue on “SI: AASRC 2022” Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation, (2022-2023)
  2. Guest Editor, Special Issue on “Advanced Aircraft Manufacturing and Maintenance Using Three-Dimensional Printing”, Aerospace, (2022-2023)
  3. Guest Editor, Special Issue on “Symmetry and Its Application in Aeronautical Engineering”, Symmetry, (2022-2023)
  4. Guest Editor, Special Issue on “Mathematics of Neural Networks: Models, Algorithms and Applications”, Axioms, (2022-2023)
  • 科技部專題計畫、產學計畫等
  1. 國防先進科技研究計畫軍用微型無人飛機開發案2/2(主持人,產學合作案) 2023/01/02~2023/12/15
  2. 航空英語培訓研究計畫(主持人,產學合作案) 2022/08/01~2023/01/31
  3. 水量計箱標準規格及規範設計案(主持人,產學合作案) 2022/03/02~2023/04/14
  4. 國防先進科技研究計畫軍用微型無人飛機開發案1/2(主持人,產學合作案) 2022/01/02~2022/12/15
  5. 初學者與教練駕駛飛行模擬機的認知與行為差異之研究(共同主持人,國科會計畫編號: MOST 110-2221-E-324 -014 ) 2021/08/01~2022/07/31
  6. 校內重點特色計畫-智能之翅-AI為型飛機之研發(主持人) 二年期 2019/02/01~2022/01/31
  7. 智能無人機用於飛機外部即時影像識別檢查技術發展 (主持人,校內研發案)2020/06/01~2020/11/31
  8. 飛機維修組裝合作案(主持人,產學合作案) 2021/07/~2021/12/30
  9. 以碳纖維複合材料3D列印無人機高性能螺旋槳之設計與製造(共同主持人,國科會計畫編號: MOST 109-2221-E-309-001) 三年期 2018~2021
  10. 富強鑫企業導入全球供應鏈管理之研究計畫(主持人,產學合作案) 2019/01/02~2019/12/30
  11. 利用類神經網路法探討及預估長波激擾之平面噴流流場結構發展(共同主持人,國科會計畫編號: 105-2221-E-157 -005 -MY2)
  12. 輔導精實生產革新及建構全面品質管理體系並藉實驗設計研發新產品(共同主持人,國科會計畫編號: 104-2622-H-164-002-CC3)
  • 期刊論文
  1. Toly Chen, Yu-Cheng Wang*, Min-Chi Chiu, (2023). An efficient approximating alpha-cut operations approach for deriving fuzzy priorities in fuzzy multi-criterion decision-making. Applied Soft Computing. 22 March 2023, 110238 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2023.110238 (SCI).
  2. Yu-Cheng Wang*, Toly Chen, Min-Chi Chiu, (2023). An improved explainable artificial intelligence tool in healthcare for hospital recommendation. Healthcare Analytics. 2023, Volume 3, November 2023, 100147, DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.health.2023.100147. (Scopus)
  3. Yu-Cheng Wang*, Toly Chen, Hsin-Chieh Wu, (2023). A novel auto-weighting deep-learning fuzzy collaborative intelligence approach. Decision Analytics Journal. 2023, Volume 6, March 2023, 100186,  DOI https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.dajour.2023.100186. (Scopus)
  4. Yu-Cheng Wang*, Toly Chen, Min-Chi Chiu, (2023). An explainable deep-learning approach for job cycle time prediction. Decision Analytics Journal. 2023, Volume 6, March 2023, 100153, DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dajour.2022.100153. (Scopus)
  5. Yu-Cheng Wang*, Toly Chen, (2022). Analyzing the impact of COVID-19 vaccination requirements on travelers’ selection of hotels using a fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making approach. Healthcare Analytics. Volume 3, November 2022, 100064.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.health.2022.100064
  6. Toly Chen, Yu-Cheng Wang*, (2022). Hybrid big data analytics and Industry 4.0 approach to projecting cycle time ranges. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.  120, 279-295, (SCI). Impact Factor: 3.226.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-022-08733-z
  7. Toly Chen, Yu-Cheng Wang*, (2022). A two-stage explainable artificial intelligence approach for classification-based job cycle time prediction. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 123 (5-6), 2031-2042 (SCI). Impact Factor: 3.226. DOI 10.1007/s00170-022-10330-z
  8. Kumar, D., Singh, G., Mohite, P. M., Lau, E. M., Yu-Cheng Wang (2022). Role of flexibility on the aerodynamic performance of a resonating hummingbird-inspired wing. The Aeronautical Journal. 127 9 (1308), 193-212 (SCI) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/aer.2022.71
  9. Yu-Cheng Wang*, Toly Chen, (2021). A Bi-objective AHP-MINLP-GA approach for Flexible Alternative Supplier Selection amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. Soft Computing Letters. Volume 3, December 2021, 100016 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socl.2021.100016
  10. Yu-Cheng Wang*, Horng-Ren Tsai, Toly Chen, (2021). A Selectively Fuzzified Back Propagation Network Approach for Precisely Estimating the Cycle Time Range in Wafer Fabrication. Mathematics. 2021, 9(12), 1430 DOI:https://doi.org/10.3390/math 9121430, (SCI) Impact Factor: 1.747
  11. Yung-Lan Yeh, Yu-Cheng Wang*, (2020). Artificial Neural Network Experimental Data Prediction of a Long-wave Excited Plane Jet Part I: Near Field Comparison. Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation.2020, 52(2), 147-158 DOI: 10.6125/JoAAA.202006_52 (2).02 (EI).
  12. Yu-Cheng Wang*, Toly Chen, Yu-Cheng Lin (2019). A Collaborative and Ubiquitous System for Fabricating Dental Parts Using 3D Printing Technologies. Healthcare. 7(3), 103. DOI: 10.3390/healthcare7030103.  (SCI, SSCI).
  13. Yu-Cheng Wang*, Toly Chen, (2019). A Partial-Consensus Posterior-Aggregation FAHP Method—Supplier Selection Problem as an Example. 7(2), 179. (SCIE). DOI 10.3390/math7020179
  14. Tin-Chih Chen, Cheng-Li Liu, Kuo-Wei Su, Chen-Yang Cheng, Yu-Cheng Wang*, (2018). Application of industrial engineering concepts and techniques to ambient intelligence. Journal of Management & Systems. Vol.25 No.3, 365 – 377. (TSSCI).
  15. Liu Shao-Yu, Tang Hui-Chin, Yu-Cheng Wang* (2018). The study on the prediction models of human factor flight accidents by combining fuzzy clustering methods and neural networks. Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation. Vol.50 No.2, 175 – 186. (EI).
  16. Yu-Cheng Wang, Toly Chen, Yung-Lan Yeh* (2018). Advanced 3D printing technologies for the aircraft industry: a fuzzy systematic approach for assessing the critical factors. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. (Accepted) Impact Factor: 2. 601
  17. Toly Chen, Yu-Cheng Wang*, (2017). Advances in Manufacturing Using 3D Printing – a Managerial Perspective.  International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services. Vol. 4 No. 3. (EI).
  18. Yu-Cheng Wang* (2016) A Study on the Deployed Locations of New Attack Helicopters by Using Analytic Hierarchy Process. Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation. Vol. 48 No.3, 157 – 162. (EI).
  19. Toly Chen, Yu-Cheng Wang* (2016) "Estimating simulation workload in cloud manufacturing using a classifying artificial neural network ensemble approach," Robotics & Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 38, 42-51. (SCI). Impact Factor: 2.305


  1. Yu-Cheng Wang*, Jia-Jih Chiou (2022) The Application of Virtual Reality in Aircraft Training. 2022 AASRC Conference, 5 November 2022, Taichung, Taiwan.
  2. Yu-Cheng Wang* (2022) The Opportunity of Virtual Reality Technology in Aviation Education. The 6th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia,18-19 November 2022, KAOHSIUNG, Taiwan.
  3. Yu-Cheng Wang* (2021) Intelligent image recognition applied to the external inspection of aircraft. The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia,18-20 March 2021, NPU, Penghu, Taiwan.
  4. Wei Cheng, Chang Yau Ren, Shiau , Yu Cheng Wang Using Neural Network for Aircraft Engine Temperature Predicting and Health Monitoring  .2021 AASRC Conference in Yunlin, October 30, 2021
  5. Yu-Cheng Wang* (2017, Aug). A hybrid PCA and BPN Approach to failure time Prediction in the engines. AmI&E 2017, The 3rd International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia.


  1. 中華民國情境智能學會第六屆理事(2022/12~2024/12)
  2. 2022年協助教育部促進產學連結合作育才平臺鋼鐵金屬產業工作圈 推動 111 年航空產業職人精進培育計畫。
  3. 2022年度指導學生參加第52屆全國技能競賽中區分區賽飛機修護職類榮獲第三名。
  4. 2022 年獲聘財團法人國防工業發展基金會列管軍品廠商資格級別認證評鑑委員
  5. 中華民國情境智能學會第五屆理事(2020/12~2022/12)
  6. Session Chair, the 3rd International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Kyoto, Japan, August 2017
  7. 2020 年榮獲朝陽科技大學優良導師。
  8. 2020 年榮獲朝陽科技大學理工學院優良導師。
  9. 2018年指導學生參加專題製作「中華科技金華獎」航空學院機械與動力機械群比賽,榮獲第一名。
  10. 2018年指導學生參專題製作「2018全國實務專題競賽」團體組榮獲佳作。
  11. 2017年榮獲科技部補助大專校院延攬特殊優秀人才。
  12. 2016年榮獲科技部補助大專校院延攬特殊優秀人才。
  13. 2016年榮獲中華科技大學優良導師。
  14. 2016年指導學生參加「教育部全國實務專題競賽」,動力機械群組入圍決賽,並獲得決賽第四名佳作。
  15. 2015年榮獲科技部補助大專校院延攬特殊優秀人才。
  16. 2015年指導學生參加專題製作「中華科技金華獎」航空學院機械與動力機械群比賽,榮獲第一名。
  17. 104學年度指導學生參加北區技專院校創意實務競賽初賽榮獲優勝獎。
  18. 104學年度指導學生參加北區技專院校創意實務競賽決賽榮獲第一名。
  19. 104學年度指導學生參加第46屆全國技能競賽北區分區賽飛機修護職類榮獲第一名。
  20. 104學年度指導學生參加第46屆全國技能競賽北區分區賽飛機修護職類榮獲第二名。
  21. 104學年度指導學生參加第46屆全國技能競賽北區分區賽飛機修護職類榮獲第三名。
